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Stable profitability of the system in a month.25 profit per year.300 profit without reinvestment, ie initial installation Profits can be withdrawn each month.500 or more P reinvestment, ie periodically as they grow deposits and increase the profitability of the system Profit was withdrawn at the end of the year Possibility to use several experts on a trading account This is necessary if you want to trade simultaneously on different currency pairs with a single deposit Fully adjustable input parameters of an expert advisor. enLight Average Breakout Trader - Advisor for Strategy B Barishpoltsa Break the middle Test history to be quite reasonable risk, and the highest quality data 90 showed an increase in the deposit more than 7 times from March to late November Profit for the nine months of the test was 600 - it s about 25 per month, not bad at all for the automatic trading system. Using enLight Average Breakout Trader you do not need to make any manual steps The work system is fully automated. enLight Surfing - As trade expert enLight Surfing implemented one of the best strategies for famous Russian trader Victor Barishpoltsa. Trade tactics Barishpoltsa really affect their profitability This once again we have seen since the establishment of this trade expert at one of its trading strategies Even a cursory glance at the record of the test, you can highlight the main points of information, such as 1354 increase in the deposit for six months, which is about 50 profit every month Strategy with more than 90 of profitable trades - it s just a great result Value profitable deals to loss-making 14 1.And a myriad of other expert advisors Here s a quick list. GEPARD v2 3, v2 5, v3 0, v3 1, v4 2 AUTO Profit Diler, Boogie Wackena, Chameleon 2008, Diamond Power Trend, EA BankingFX, Elevated 3 1 1 0, ForexAIAutoTrader 2 1, ForeXer 4 1, Golden Profit AUTO, GREEZLY, ILanProfit v1 4 v1 5 v1 6, MegaDroid, Merkio Exp Ukis, PipBoxer, Piptronic 2 0, Profit Hunter, SkyForex v 1, Trendfox, WAWin, Ea-Boss, Lucky andles, ProgramForex, EUREKA, Cobra, FX Genius Robot, ForexPlatinum, JAGUAR HEDGE V2.EA SHARK ULTIMATE ru version indicator and advisor EA Pallad v3 0 GT-Shadow Forex AutoCash Robot Forex Funnel Trading system ForexDominion Traders Secret Code Pyramid EA ULTIMATE 2008 Forex Autopilot Forex Raptor Forex Hitman Trend Tracer 1 4 Trading system Forex Assassin Forex Breakout System Forex Terminator EA Shark Ultimate 4 0 5 0 DreambuilderFX DTS-1 Forex Beater Forex Loophole Calypso AutoTrader FXPP Robo Miner Steinitz Hedge v3 21 Range Trader Sniper Forex Kuasa Forex Instant Forex Profit System Forex Success System AME Cross Trader Forex Boomerang Bogie all AladdinFX Aladdin2FX Pallada 3 0 Final SE 2009 AutomatedForexGrail EATangga-6 ForexDerivative ForexVengeance LMT Forex formula M7 Sidewinder PRO QuantumGomega Forex Supremacy LondonRush ROBOT Platinum Fair R9 RealMoney Forex Warlord FxBrokerBuster IvyBot v5 1 Mechanics Trade. EA with Ratesniper Pifon - self-learning advisor, Take Profit - The best expert in 2009, The Wizard - Neuro-network technology, Automatic - Advisor StrongCash, Forex Expert , Advisor Advisor , Robot - Advisor to the rich. And other Total 71 Archive. This is not the entire list of expert advisors In this collection of thousands of them, and each may write a separate page, but this is not a force. The package is a very interesting bonus it contains advisor, trading on the news, self-optimizing expert copyists of transactions of other traders Mister Hide, Nameless, Simple, RelativeR2, Ishimoku, Scalper 2, etc Also, a lot indicators trading systems, expert strategies, literature books , programs.17 experts participating in a championship of 2006 - the experts participating in the championship of 2006 30 experts participating in a championship of 2007 - the experts participating in the championship of 2007 33 experts participating in a championship of 2008 - the experts participated in the 2008 championship 1471 different forex expert advisors Another 4 archive experts - more than 200 In formats ex4 and mq4 New 100 advisors and indicators Trader s Library - 36 allowances Plus video lessons and sensitive technologies TAACH. Indicator innominate - written by one of my foreign clients Very easy to use hands down - warrant Sell, up arrow - warrant Buy Works at full steam On sale this indicator will not find Plan writing expert with the use of this indicator, but with a fairly high price, and not for the Russian market. DayImpulse - an indicator that predicts market movement Level Trading - building a trend line, which is easy to determine the entry point, is also building a zigzags between the two colors bullish and bearish sentiment Index of trend detection TDI - used to detect when the trend began and when it ended Index of detecting a trend would signal a trend, if it is above zero and consolidation, if it is - below zero And other indicators ASCTrend, Channels, Finware, Pivot, Elliott Wave Oscillator, Supertrend Audible Alert, whose number is 600 In this set, each will find themselves facing, and be able to build its trading system. Collaps - Automatic Trading System Advisor, an expert to work on world financial markets, as well as the foreign exchange market, FOREX Starter - uses specific indicators and experts developed for this system This trading system is tops and bottoms in the trend with very high accuracy BCatcherR4 Run for history, for one year - the input depot 500 output depot 34 000 HarvesterR3 Run for history, for one year - the input depot 500 output depot 100000 And many others Mister Hide, Nameless, Simple, RelativeR2, Ishimoku More than 300.The best advisers in the archive - with a description. Sputnik - the author argues that the system allows you to make 600 pips per week on one currency pair Easc - works on all currency pairs Indicates the level of stop loss Powered by H4 H1 Easy to use Shows the trend Scalper 2 - a unique set of trade indicators Scalper 2 creates Channel-based trade system breakdown Volatility for work on Forex This system is positively proved to be a profitable and stable And others ATCF, CatFX50, 20 pips, Pluto The best trading system - with the description Various strategies and tactics for Forex 2 programs display of news in the on-line and selection testing, simulation, calculation trading tactics. Low-risk highly profitable strategy for stock trading and futures.12 rules for investing, Rich Dad s Guide to invest retire young and rich, made millions by playing the numbers, 2 books on intraday trading on Forex Using embedded tester in MetaTrader 4 13 steps to successful investing, 50 of the trader s base rate for the securities market. Stock market risk, Intraday trading in the Forex market, problem book on day trading. Play the stock market just like to play and win at the stock exchange, Lectures Futures and Options, Basic stock trading, on foundations burdened by cares trader Warning shares or true, about investing in Russia, tips for traders. Fibonacci sequence Strategies for Traders, Proper Home - the key to success in the financial market, technical analysis - a new science Trading Chaos, Tree Board, as to multiply the money in securities, Universities speculators, fundamental analysis of global currency markets, Forex software Multimedia Presentation with Flash. Programs Converter HST in CSV, calculation of biorhythms, calculator aims of the movement, 3 decompiler EX4 to MQ4 217, 220, 224 1 , a calculator for calculating profits, forex glossary, forex Electronic Program, set the indicator through the context menu, calculator, calculation of Fibo, indication of current market session, screen saver, Forex Tester - Forex emulator, Storm - forecast prices in the last five candles, Bear QuoteTracker - stock quotes, indices, news, Money Manager - selection of trading strategy, the calculation of lot size and open orders, NewsUpdater - Important News in a separate window, Digital methods - calculation of filters and many other programs. ProgramForex 2009 - 148000 for 40 days, with 3000 stable. Unique advisor who consistently augment your deposit for a month more than 40 times. EURGBP Euro vs Great Britain Pound Period 15 Minutes M15 Initial deposit 3000 00 Net profit 148346 98 Gross profit 157887 38 Gross loss -9540 40 Profit 16 55 Total 112 deals Short positions won 36 97 22 Long positions won 76 88 16 Profit trades of total 102 91 07 Loss trades of total 10 8 93 Maximum number of consecutive wins profit 29 66471 13 consecutive losses loss 2 -352 10 Maximal consecutive profit count of wins 66471 13 29 consecutive loss count of losses -1535 25 1 Test advisor State of 2009 01 20 on January 28 30 January 2 4 5 02-6 02.ForexPlatinum 2009 v2 1 multiplies the balance 50 times. Very reliable and stable income-generating system In which we have invested eight years experience of successful trading on the FOREX. In ForexPlatinum 2009 v2 1 - improved algorithm analysis and entry into the market ForexPlatinum can work with any deposit Use a 21 Unique technical indicators when making trading decisions Works on any period Can work on one account for the different trading instruments simultaneously Sam successfully distinguish orders and checks only for those orders, which exhibited itself You do not need to do is not what optimizations Advisor automatically adjusts to market conditions and is fully prepared to work round the clock.2009 01 01 00 00 - 2009 05 29 Initial deposit 500 Net profit 27,585 By request, be granted access to invest in monitoring accounts. Forex software Cash Hammer. Cash Hammer for making trading decisions using candle analysis Once the candles were formed and determine the trend advisor enters the market, opening up positions BUY or SELL Advisor trades independently in both directions If, for example, transactions in the direction BUY not completed, but it started the trend reversal, the adviser is included on the newly formed trend A position, gone in less output in the system without loss of Smart YTG. The system of Smart YTG was developed in our campaign and the recently introduced all new experts This system uses an algorithm conceived output without loss minus items using a grid of pending orders What can at times reduce the drawdown of the deposit. Just use the accounting advisor to the total of orders in the market and their mutual overlap in both directions for more accurately and quickly fix the profit without using Averaging line TakeProfit Advisor to maintain a permanent state of balance calculation for all positions in the light of newly discovered in the derivation of the balance of a certain group of orders, closes them at a profit, leaving the position of going with the trend in the market to maximize profit. Councilor resistant to sudden movements and rotation of quotations, as it reacts quickly to the changed situation, and picks up the trend. Currency trading pair EUR USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, GBP JPY, EUR JPY Time frame M30 Leverage 1 500 Quotes 4 and 5 characters Profit per month to 170 Indicator analysis formed candles Entrance into the market BUY, SELL MONEY MANAGEMENT yes Type of trade moderate. Remember 90-95 of all traders lose money in the Forex market. EUREKA will not let you get into a crowd of losers, and you will be in those same 10 of that profit in the Forex market. EUREKA is not a casino and poker games Our experts use a trading system using Stop Loss and opposite positions Expert traps in the castle on penetration oscillation quotes in the corridor of 40-60 points and no matter which way up or down the quote strikes corridor EUREKA does not go drawdown market position of more than 25 points, is constantly changed and StopLoss TakeProfit depending on the situation and the direction or reverse quotes And the result is always the closure of all positions at a profit If a strong trending move adviser just goes with the trend and profit Shopping options currency pair - GBP USD, EUR USD Time frame - any Type of trade - within a day, aggressive Entrance into the market - BUY STOP, SELL STOP Options warrant - a modifiable Take Profit, Stop Loss Indicators - not used Profit per month - up to 200.1900 Unique Hand Forex Trading System EYE phenomenal profits. Designed for manual trade indicator Eye profit already real. To use it do not need extensive experience of possession terminal MetaTrader4 and experience in analyzing market situation. Use it simply we must be able open and closing of the transaction and to analyze simple graphic patterns of point and level indicator. With this system handle even a novice For the pros, it would also be useful, especially for such a ridiculous price. One of the methods of analysis. The pictures shows a screen-display As we see in the penultimate two dark-green pictures EURGBP H4 and M30 situation for dual analysis, he looks at H4 situation if you feel good for open poses, then look at the M30 and look forward to better market entry or confirmation of the situation Parameter TimeLeft said that before the end of the bar at the TF left 24 minutes and 44 seconds, if after this time situation not change and the price will not fall, then you can open the position to buy - buy Closure can be done by a trailing foot, for example paragraphs 30-40 This is one of the options analysis There are other options such as using levels of analysis, dotted lines called Zone XXX. Forex-PROFIT TRANSFER SYSTEM PIPSOLOVE-3.You want profitable in the Forex market Want to feel the effect every day from his work You need a competent trading strategy system. We present our brand new manual trading system PIPSOLOVE-3.This system is a logical continuation of the development and well-known systems PIPSOLOVE and PIPSOLOVE-2 , which are used by traders in almost all over the world But progress does not stand still and the new system PIPSOLOVE-3 in all respects better than the previous. Basic parameters PIPSOLOVE-3 - Based on 8 confirming indicators - Used to timeframes M5 major currency pairs GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY Possible to use on other currency pairs - Work on the system may be round the clock System allows you to capture mainly short and medium term trends - Transaction system executes a trader manually according to the rules of the system with the appearance of corrective signals to each other indicators of the system On the basis of indicators of trader is also able to build their strategies, or to add additional indicators optional. GEPARD 4 2 NEW MULTI CFD Hedge WARRANTY. Multi Advisor GEPARD 4 2 is the latest version of the most successful and proven advisor to multi-currency trading in the forex market. Advisor can be used to trade any of the allowed tools Initially it was set up to trade and 28 major currency pairs, 36 CFD CFD and metals - GOLD and SILVER The advantage of this advisor is a comprehensive analysis of current status in the market and make informed decisions on diversification of open positions. Advisor is installed on a schedule, any currency pair, and selling at the same time over all allowed to tune your instrument. Thus, using a variety of trading tools, adviser hedges the risks of general trading portfolio. In the process advisor monitors the open currency position in each currency in order to minimize currency risk Due to the fact that trade is conducted in several directions, the adviser is not accompanied by one concentrates on the open position, and opens a parallel position on other instruments, thus compensating for the risks and virtually reducing the possibility of a large drawdown to zero. Advisor is not pipsinger, his work has no claims on the part of any of the known brokers. As the adviser may simultaneously sell a few tools, profitability in times greater than the profitability of single currency advisors. GEPARD 4 2 - Adviser to the new generation, allowing not limited to trade only one or multiple currency pairs, and use the full potential of the market and the whole range of possible tools of trade. MAJOR OPTIONS ADVISER.- Multi-currency, hedged trade currency CFD metals - Several trade strategies a trend as indicators of Parabolic SAR, Stochastic, ADX, CCI , flat and trade on the retracement correction of motion - Trend Filters for the opening positions of the obstacles against the sustainable trend on indicators OsMA, PSAR, ADX - Additional filters for opening positions filter velocity of price movement, the acceleration filter, the filter restrictive levels, filter highs lows, filter absorption - Multiple mounting options stop-loss breakeven, fixed on the time spent in the market for dynamic trend indicator - Ability to support open positions with trailing - Ability to include inverted trade for cases where adviser gets in antiphase to the market - Ability to open positions only in the direction of positive swaps - Flexible system of money management MM task risk of trade or commerce fixed lots - Auto-type definition of the trading account and bit Quotation standard or extended quotes - Adviser himself configure options under the relevant terms of trade - Ability to resolve trade only BUY or SELL only on the various tools that can tie trade adviser to the results of long-term fundamental analysis - Ability to specify template names of currency pairs for trade in Brokers with nonstandard names of tools, such as EURUSDFfx - Possibility of deferred installation of SL and TP by modification of orders - Different service opportunities. As a result, all implemented modifications, compared with previous versions, the adviser sells more accurately, the results of trade became more profitable and stable The number of transactions decreased, but they have become more balanced and adequate market. Restriction on a minimum deposit of Advisors is absent, ie you can trade for any deposit But in order to minimize the risks of trade, we would recommend a mini-Forex 0 1 to begin with at least 20 000 , at the micro-Forex 0 01 - from 2000 If this is too big sum for you, then we recommend starting at Cent account For cent accounts given sum can be divided by 100 200 and 20 respectively. Naturally, the higher the deposit and the lower the level of risk, the better. Calypso 1 04 multi-currency and hedge. The latest version Adviser Calypso 1 04 This development is the most successful and stable income-generating Compared with previous versions - this will give odds in a month of trade. All that you ve seen this robot just rubbish The perfect trading system based on a robot capable of performing miracles Your deposit will widen your eyes What can bring more pleasure than a good profit. Unique algorithm adviser wisely arranges the order and fully controls the process of trade, reducing the risk of loss of deposit to zero Expert set up under any market conditions, which increases its range of application, and each can customize it to fit your favorite pair. Fully automatic operation ensures the best result, because the robot has no effect on the psychological factor, and he always followed the market He was not afraid of the lack of communication or electricity, your money under his complete control. Multi Advisor Calypso 1 04 Works on any pair, or on more than one It is based on a unique system that has no analogues Ability to work in 2 modes, both on foot and without stops, which allows you to optimize work under him The original trading system allows not collect stoploss and using a unique algorithm to hedge the risks and the likelihood of the deposit drain completely absent. Adviser decides when it opened and closed positions Fully automated trading with hedging for high profitability Where have you seen adviser, earning capacity as a trend, and against the trend at the same time New reversible feature allows fully restructure the work of experts under the changed situation on the market. To your attention video of an expert So what s new in the robot - Advisor does not use fixed lot Now the lot has become a dynamic and automatically calculated from available funds of your deposit This is an important indicator of the effectiveness of the expert, as a tester for a long period, and in real trading Items must grow in proportion to the deposit, otherwise do not see a real drawdown - New feature of the deposit protection from force majeure, when the market breaks through the long candles against our orders In such situations, triggered an emergency closing of positions at a certain level - Set a fixed stop Voices for warrants at the request of the trader Effective function to protect your assets - An opportunity to clearly establish the number of open positions - Adjustable distance between the orders allows greater use of advisor in flat channels, also applies to short and long trends It is particularly effective working with enabled multiplying the lot - The ability to trade on several pairs, provides greater profitability with less drawdown Non-parallel work of other advisers, as well as manual work Your First Step into the world of financial independence. Cobra 1 1 Monitoring real, Videos Super profitable. Innovative Adviser Cobra ver 1 1.I present you the best robot for forex trading He can only earn and do not know what a loss Become richer now much easier. The most reliable companion of your deposit Fully automated trading with accompaniment lot from opening until closing A robot that can work and earn money when it suits you Did not you are looking for. The algorithm underlying the adviser, completely eliminates the possibility of capital losses Strategy discovery orders like the movement of the cobra is selling at highs and buying at the lows And the moment of entering the market - the moment of attack cobra Many traders around the world have successfully used this strategy profitable Now it is available to you. You can use it on any pair He does not care where to earn He is not afraid of subsidence, lack of communication or requotes He just does its job Even it does not matter whether the market trend, or is a long flat - he adapted to it. Video on the strategy of an expert Ask your questions to the expert and learn all that you are interested. The main difference from previous versions is the use of a dynamic trade a lot, which allows, once configured robot, forget about optimization and capacity volume orders Now the lot is calculated automatically from the available funds in proportion to your deposit This fact is indicative of testing and optimizing the sales process and identifies the real drawdown deposit. Advisor can be used on one pair, and on several at once You can open up their orders, as his hands, and other robots, Cobra will not touch them. Added install a certain number of turned-down orders This allowed more efficient use of market movement at the moment outbursts purchases or sales The greater the movement against the order, the greater the potential profit of the expert And do not use Martingale The strategy is based smooth strengthening their positions, that does not load your deposit. Jumper - fully automated trading robot, created by the original trading strategies, tested on many real-life accounts and stable income-generating Now the opportunity to increase their deposit is available to you. Created by professional programmers, the robot affects their work and profitability No matter what the trend in the market or flat, the robot takes its Your deposit will grow before your eyes. Advisor can be used on one pair, and on several at once You can open up their orders, as the hands, and other robots, Jumper will not touch them. A little about trading strategies - Work is a turn-down orders and orders from the market - Clearly define the point of entry into the market, which guarantees high profitable - Just exposed Stop Order - Advisor to be a trend Functions of the robot - Fully customizable options allow you to adjust to your style of trading - Should be clearly defined parameters and internal algorithms - Is fully automated trading without human presence. Get this robot and start to grow rich today Let envy you all Just a few months of ea and you will not have years to save money on long-deserved vacation or an expensive car Approach the dream and it will become a reality. Requirements for the depot and terminal - Platform Metatrader 4 0 - Currency pair any - Featured currency pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY - Timeframe any - Brokers - any - Minimum deposit 10 - Minimum Lot 0 01 - Leverage 1 100 or more. He did not fear breaking the link, power or requotes, strategy provided the opening turn-down orders with fixed take and stop But then nothing can stop the work of an expert. Great profitable scalper. By presenting to your attention the latest adviser Parabolic More perfect than its predecessor. This is the newest advisor based on popular indicator Parabolic SAR Robot uses Fibonacci levels and based on them exposes takeprofit and stoploss, automatically calculating the size Conducts monitoring of the lot, pulling a trailing by necessity To calculate the lot size as a percentage of the deposit Can be used on any pair and any period I recommend for EURUSD for 15 min, also showed well-behaved on GBPUSD 15 min Can be used on different pairs at once, which will give the best result Test for 2008 can be found here And for the last month here. The new version adds - Quick recovery of the deposit - The control function of open positions - Function better to enter the market With these refinements was the advisor to trade more profitably Remains of the old - Function calculate Fibonacci levels on the set maximum and minimum - Maintenance of open orders as a turn-down, and in the market - The ability to customize to any pair of any timeframe Robot tested on real accounts, and shows a stable income In the test for the last 3 months showed Initial deposit 10000 00 Net profit 149006 48 Profit 19 68 Expected payoff 2759 38 Absolute drawdown 200 00 Maximal drawdown 13628 60 16 10 Relative drawdown 18 45 2292 00 Total transactions in 1954 Short position won 24 95 83 Long positions won 30 93 33 Profit trades of total 51 94 44 Loss trades of total 3 5 56.Unique self-optimizing Advisor GoodProfit. Super expert, one of the latest developments in development advisers that s right for everyone As a newcomer to the trade, as well as experienced traders Fully automated robots do everything for you This robot is able to bring only profit And it is not just empty words Adviser to verify many traders on real accounts and it really brings results. The unique technology allows the trade of almost only positive transaction Advisor itself determines the best time of the beginning of trade, thereby obtains the best results. The statistics speak for themselves Profit 25 30 Expected payoff 382 00 Relative drawdown 21 16 Profit trades of total 122 91 73.And this is NOT FITTING results. The main feature is a function of robot self-optimization, which gives very high profitability You do not have to constantly monitor it and optimize, he does himself After a brief setup, you can safely put it on a demo or real There is no need to optimize for the year Enough to make it for the month, and already Adviser will optimize itself once a day and display the latest options that provides a very high profit. Even if you are inexperienced or novice trader, or want to forget about the constant reconfiguring adviser, then this system for YOU With tuning advisor I can help ea mt4.SUPER LED WKBIBS - the fastest oscillator. Super LED WKBIBS - is a new generation of oscillator with combined functions of the two indicators WKB and IBS. Suitable even for beginners. Suitable even for a beginner in forex but for the pros will further addition to the trading system WKBIBS Gives the earliest signals compared to the standard oscillator type Stochastic and differs from all turnout indicators does not issue false signals and not redrawn Turnout indicators such TrendSignal2008 not worth buying on a frozen schedule all nice, but they lag behind realtime tracing of giving a signal when it has actually ceased to be relevant, and the transaction will not it is advisable In WKBIBS not exist, it really is not much harder than visually Arrow but gives earlier and right signals. How to sell When the red line crosses top blue down a SELL, if the opposite red crosses the bottom of the blue from bottom to top, you BUY - all very simple, but important, as you can see the image very clearly, the signal is a price chart still relevant for the transaction in the right direction, unlike the switch indicators when it would be too late to open the transaction The rest, including the possible use trend filter and the preferred direction of transactions, you may find yourself, since I do not sell ready trading systems and sell indicator for the trading system, not to be confused, but as it turns out that all purchases require a clear TS and not Indicator. In any case, I am ready to work on the development of Trading System with each personally and individually if you will have a strong desire for something, so good except the files of the indicator is not part of the description. Thanks Rashid Umarov Rosh for assistance in establishing an indicator. How do I set, I hope everyone knows, just adjust the color and thickness of the lines figure not touch, it s not for optimization, ie for testing. SUPER ADVISOR - IL Profit5 - PROVED EARNINGS. ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE, STABLE AND COMFORTABLE mechanical trading systems for FOREX today. It has a stable income, a unique algorithm of the first transaction and the system output moose deals breakeven by Martingale The system is flexible and uniquely profitable - a stable income up to 1200 in less than 1 year - checked A little fear can only be unpredictable jumps in prices for 500 or more points in the wrong direction, what happens during the economic collapse of any country, war, major terrorist attacks, etc This happens once in 2 years This can be found on TV and in advance to suspend operations adviser for a week or less, or use my patronage system with a flexible hand-MM, which in itself further increases profits. ILProfit1 5 is a program MTS, adviser, judge, or if you like shopping bot For Metatrader 4 0, which can be traded independently, with little interference of man himself The advantages of this method of trading are large and consist in the absence of human factor Our system should be clearly draws its algorithm can trade around the clock bringing even a novice trader to a stable income If you re on your own personal calculations do not like the open transaction, for example, because for them once enrolled, was minus swap although this is a penny , we can cautiously to suspend trade or as an alternative, use a special MM on my technique, as I ll tell you in a personal correspondence Expert is half scalpers because of the fact that the minimum TP can be equal to 7, plus the fact that no one broker does not prohibit its use on the realities of the features of a fully scalping systems with TA 1,2,3.FOREX are working on the news automatically - inNew. For more than 4 years of work in the FOREX market, I came to one conclusion the good result, without the huge overload of nerve, gives the so-called work on the news I do not include figures I am amazed that they lead others, even with such precision and certainty - just finish reading the description to the end No wonder at one seminar lecturer called the news SRT percent grain trader. Exit the important news is always clearly marked, and all market participants are waiting for the news with impatience All of you workers FOREX market have seen how the price, for example, after speeches Greenspan 100-150 points and this is a lot of dollars in profits, if you open a position in the right direction Surely all tried to chase the price, and someone turned out, and someone not. Auto expert for the installation or removal orders at the specified time and manual work at the output of important news Designed to work in the most popular trading terminal MetaTrader4.Buying Expert INNEW You will never be chasing the price It automatically installs the pending orders to buy and sell at a small distance from the current price before the news at the touch of a button And after the news is one of the orders will earn you profit. If you can not stay close to the trading terminal at the time of the scheduled release of news, will help you judge At the appointed time he will set the pending orders, withdraw if they are not executed within the specified time you state Will remove one order in the performance of another. Of course news does not always cause a violent reaction of the market, but the average is 1 every 2 days The guide on work at the output of important news, I explained the principle of work, about the calendar of economic news and the use of an expert. The expert works in any currency trading pairs and any timeframes. The guide to work at the output of important news very detailed rules for dealing with an expert Describe all variable parameters. EA Auto Profit Diler 5 1 90 profit, Forex 2009.EA AUTO Profit Diler 5 1 - it is automatic, developed in late 2008 by a group of developers Finans Plus Trading System for Meta Trader v 4 Upgrading an older version 4 7 to 5 1 occurred March 12, 2009.FEATURE PROVIDED FOR SALE. AUTO Profit Diler 5 1 - Advisor, which according to our calculations enables you to change your life and gain financial freedom, while making a deposit of 1000 already Improved unique algorithm that uses two standard indicator for market entry No adjustment for history Advisor to successfully distinguish itself warrants and checks only for those orders, which put itself You can trade independently on the same account, the adviser will not touch your orders The principle on which he works, is unique This method of trade is very convenient, expert never tired, does not feel any emotions, while continuing to trade at a predetermined strategy in any situation. The system will do all the work for you, it s very nice, especially to see real results at the end of the day. Works on real and demo account without interruption around the clock, even on Fridays without human intervention on OK. Pluses of the new version of Auto Profit Diler 5 1. No limit on transactions Low minimum deposit we recommend 1000 Protection from discharge deposit Platform Metatrader 4 0 Currency Pair Eurodollar Time frame H1 hour Forex market hours day and night on weekdays Brokers - any Number of transactions - at the same time 5 MM - Fixed Lot Performance - 800 per year Strategy - does not use a standard stochastic, has no system for Martingale, when you need a huge deposit Efficiency proved to demo, as well as live. EA Gold Shark ver 5 lucrative shark in the Forex market. Currency trading has now become a very common activity Nearly three trillion dollars daily turnover reaches the world currency market Forex FOREX - FOReign EXchange. At least 80 of all transactions are speculative, with a view to profit from deals in exchange rates Many financial institutions receive the bulk of their profits here. The reasons for this interest is understandable At the moment there is hardly an industry financial business, make it possible for a short time to receive an income, many times exceeding the initial investment. We present a unique advisor Gold Shark 5, which is one of the most recent and most successful developments specialists Finans Plus for trading on Forex Market 2009, which is suitable for almost everyone. The system is based on an exclusive algorithm using indicators that are included in the archive, which results in maximum profit. With EA Gold Shark 5, you ll have no special skills and special efforts in the proper setting to increase their capital Advisor is designed for people who value their time and money. Adviser set up to trade from conservative to risky. Platform Metatrader 4 0 Currency pair any recommended EURUSD Timeframe M5, M15, M30, H1 recommended by the M15, M30 Forex market hours clock Brokers - all we recommend Forex4you, Alpari Also in the parts supply includes settings that are constantly updated on our website Please do not use the settings for the other Brokers Profit - 20 - 150 per month depending on the risk and size of deposit Minimum deposit 500 in which the adviser trades , we suggest that from 3000 Opportunities Adviser - Entry into the market with three non-standard indicators - Possibility to use on multiple pairs multi-currency trade - Protection against false signals - Withdrawal of loss-making positions in breakeven with blocking and averaging - Support with trailing - Inverse trade - Stability in the market even at very volatile market. EA Volcano Premium v 7 0 - thought-out trade. Unique Adviser Volcano Premium v 7 0 is the latest innovation specialists Finans Plus for trading on the Forex market in 2009.As a result, all implemented modifications, compared with previous versions, the adviser sells more accurately, the results of trade became more profitable and stable. The advantage of this advisor is to complete the analysis of the current state of the market and make informed decisions based on analysis of historical data, together with the use of nonstandard indicator. With Volcano Premium v 7 0, you can no special skills and special efforts in the proper setting to increase their capital Advisor is designed for people who value their time and money. MAJOR OPTIONS ADVISER. Any currency pairs The ability to use on multiple pairs multi-currency trading Using the custom indicator VolcanoInd Ability to use for day trading Featured timeframes M15, M30, H1 The minimum deposit at the rate of 3000 per pair, on which trading adviser Advisor set to trade from conservative to highly risky Protection against false signals Filter for opening positions filter maximum minimum Ability to support open positions using trailing Ability to open blocking warrant Ability averaging loss Possibility of an inverse trade in the case of reversal of the market Service settings. Advisor on sale in the form of license ex4 file, it is compiled and ready for use in the terminal MetaTrader Forex robot can work on the account completely independently and does not require human intervention The kit is selling very detailed instructions for installing and configuring adviser There were no complications in the use of EA there, he can consistently and profitably operate with default settings. EA Better Trading Robot on the principles Champion 2007.Many were struck by a stunning success winning the 2007 Championship, where Better finish with the separation from the nearest competitor by more than 2 5 times. You submitted Advisor akaBetter, written on the basis of probabilistic neural network PNN Probability Neural Network It is based on principles used by the champion. A video illustrating the work of expert. Long before the end of the Championship-2007, we began to explore strategies for TS Oleksandr Topchylo At that time he has answered questions in a blog and forums Subsequently, a lot of information from public sources has been removed, but we left it. The possibilities of neural networks in solving the problems of forecasting can not be overemphasized, but it is not easy to use tool that requires some skill and time-consuming Six months of hard work it took us to write this expert We named it EABetter. Neural networks are not only powerful but also universal tool in solving problems of forecasting And for us not come a surprise that the adviser EABetter, being initially sharpened under the EURUSD, has shown no worse results as the other currency pairs, as well as for other types of markets raw materials, stock market, indices, futures, bonds, options, contracts for difference Backtests are made permanent, close to a real lot with a reasonable degree of risk drawdown , the presented serious investors The results for each individual instrument, show an increase in deposit 2-4 times per year of trading, which is very close to that of the Champion for real account list graph acc 2102 where one year deposit increased 3 5 times for EURUSD. It is clear that our trade adviser EA Better to multiple instruments simultaneously, will be made at times more the level of profit for risk diversification. This working Advisor Golden profit auto. Automated Trading System Golden profit auto profitable, stable and easy to use mechanical trading system for forex today. It has a stable income, a unique algorithm of the first transaction and the system output deals with no loss of Martingale The system is flexible and uniquely profitable - a stable profit from 3100 to 3700 for 1 year - checked on the real and demo. A little fear can only be unpredictable jumps in prices for 400 or settlements in the wrong direction , that takes place during the economic collapse of any country, war, major, terrorist, attacks, etc This happens once in 2 years. This can be found on TV and in advance to suspend work on the adviser for several days. Golden profit auto is a program MTS, advisor, expert For Metatrader 4 0, which can be traded independently, with little interference of man himself. The advantages of this method of trading are large and consist in the absence of human factor. System should be clearly draws its algorithm can trade around the clock bringing even a novice trader to a stable income Advisor is a half-scalpers because of the fact that the minimum TP can be equal to 5, plus the fact that no one broker does not prohibit its use on the real as opposed to completely scalping systems with TA 1,2,3.No adjustment for history Advisor to successfully distinguish itself warrants and checks only for those orders, which put itself You can trade independently on the same account, the adviser will not touch your orders The principle on which he works, is unique This method of trade is very convenient, adviser never tired, does not feel any emotions, while continuing to trade at a predetermined strategy in any situation. The system will do all the work for you, it s very nice, especially to see real results at the end of the day. Works on real and demo account without interruption around the clock, even on Fridays without human intervention on OK. Warning The recommended initial deposit of 50 5000 cents on mini accounts with a lot 0 01 Report Report real account gbp usd Period 5 Minutes M5 2008 01 02 09 00 - 2008 05 30 22 55 2008 01 02 - 2008 06 02 Initial deposit of 50 5000 cents Net income Total income 67602 95 79024 25 Gross loss -11421 30 Profitability 6 92 Expected payoff 58 03 Absolute drawdown 411 80 Maximum drawdown 44205 54 91 73 Relative drawdown 91 73 44205 54 Total transactions in 1165 Short positions won 479 74 74 Long positions won 686 74 20 Profit trades of total 867 74 42 Loss trades of total 298 25 58 Largest profit trade 1642 50 Losing trade -706 50 Average profit trade 91 15 Losing trade -38 33 Maximum number of consecutive wins profit 27 650 80 Consecutive losses loss 9 -3202 02 Maximal consecutive profit count of wins 2679 70 3 Consecutive loss count of losses -3202 02 9 Average consecutive wins 8 Three consecutive losses. Information Tech Features scalpers Golden profit auto. The complexity of the MTS He ll understand even the novice Possible errors will decide together Terminal Metatrader 4 The suggested tools any pair of currencies Period from M1 to MN months Minimum Deposit 50 5000 cents from 50 cent to the micro Profit up to 3700 per year depends on the shoulder, level lots and frequency of reinvestment Brokers Anyone with a micro 0 01 Lot, Mini 0 1 lot, or normal score a lot Recommendations, see above Forex market hours day and night on weekdays Reinvestment to reinvest or to increase the value of Lot, it is necessary after the news Non-Farm Payrolls NFP the first Friday of the month , for example on the second Monday of the month, so you will increase the total profit for a few tens of and protect themselves from the alleged force majeure With reinvestment of profits may be up to 3700 per year. The efficiency of MTS proved to demo during the 1 7 years at Real Madrid just for a shorter period Additional Information The archive kit includes EA in the compiled form, ie in ex4 format and ready for work Set files for optimization - templates indicators to determine the market movement - helper scripts file installation and optimization of the expert Golden profit auto. The most effective night trading robot NIGHTCASH v 2010 - Take a piece of pie night at the Forex Market. The robot is able to take all of your Forex trading and fully automate the extraction of profit from your account even while you sleep A revolutionary solution for you to perform analysis, comparison, decision-making on purchases or sales, opening and closing transactions for a continuous increase your deposit The robot was given at 3-week testing everyone the trader The effectiveness of the robot showed a very high rate, approximately 90 of winning trades and 10 losing, as a basis for the robot were taken ideas from the top 10 advisers this year, now is the best night s adviser, now you can buy and at a reasonable price. Robot forex works with all currency pairs 25 currency pairs from 21 00 to 05 00 am GMT during their lowest activity The idea of such trade is not new and was used by many before us, but offered you a product has a number of revolutionary innovations that will significantly increase profits and minimize losses Also one of the main advantages NightCash v 2010 is uncompromising reliability, which is important in such a dynamic market like the Forex when working with real money. So now you can buy really working, high performance product, which will pay off very quickly, and will continue to bring you a steady income Start trading with a real system and proven effectiveness. List of other material in the Forex software package. 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Envelope 2 1 , Envelope 2 11 , Envelope 2 11 23SEP05 , Envelope , Envelope 21 11 , Envelope 21 11 23SEP05 , Envelope 22 11 , envelope alert , envelope alert v0 2 , Envelopes, Equityv8, Ergodic, Ergodic Oscillator , Ergodic Signals , Ergodic 20Signals, Ergodic 1 , Essential Elements of a Successful Forex Trader , EURbruht v1 0 , EUREKAv7 0, EUREKAv7 1 1Evolution for0 01lot , EuroStrategies-fb1, eurox2mod, EuroXtream, eurusdcross, EvolutionVFinal, EVWMA, ew1, EWA, ex4tomq4224 1build, ExcaliburEurUsdDailyV3 5, ExitIndicator, ExMassv2, exoticwave, exoticwave 1 , Exp-Phantom v3 1 , Exp - VirtualTradePad v5 1 Installl , expiCustomv72, expiCustomv722, ExpSidus, expert, experts, ExtraWPR, ExTrendv2, EYEO. ZA, EZ Trade Forex , FAMA, FAMAMrPip, FAMAMrPip 1 , Fap Turbo v16 v23 v36 , Fapturbo23, FAPWinnerGridTader5NonExpired, Farhad, Farhad Hill Version 2 , Farhad Hill Version , Farhad Hill Version , Farhad1, Farhad3, Farhad3a, FarhadCrab-H1, FarhadCrab1, FarhadCrab1showingequity, FarhadCrab1showingequitymaxposSLBACKTESTONLY, FarhadCrab2, FarhadHill, FarhadHillV2, FarhadHillV21, FarhadHillV22, FarhadHillV3, FarhadHillV4, FarhadHill1, FATL 1 , , FATLs, FBS CandleStick Patterns , Feedback, FF Tunnel Chart , Fib Pivots , Fib Retracements , FibPivots02, FibPivots02 1 , fibcalc, FiboPivotLinesGMT, fibocalc, fibocalc 1 , fibocalcV3, fibocalcV3 1 , fibocalcV31, fibocalcV31 1 , fibocalc1, fibonacciebook, FiboPivv2, FiboPivv2 1 , FiboPivotandRSI, FiboRetracement3, FiboRetracement3 1 , FiboRetracement3D, FibProgression, Filter overRSI , FilterAO, finbetting, Find Data Holes , fine-tuning-your-money-management, Finware, Firebird, Firebird i , Firebird i 1 , Firebird HMA i , Firebird MC v058 , Firebird MC v0581 , Firebird MC v0582 , Firebird MC v0583 , Firebird v0 50 , Firebird v0 50 26JUL05 , Firebird v0 51 , Firebird v0 55 , Firebird v0 56 ea , Firebird v0 57 , Firebird v0 57 ea , Firebird v0 57 8AUG05 , Firebird v0 58 ea , Firebird v0 58 ea 1 , Firebird v0 58 ea 2 , Firebird v0 58 ea 3 , Firebird v0 60 ea , Firebird v0 60 ea 1 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 1 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 2 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 3 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 4 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 5 , Firebird v0 62 ea , Firebird v0 63 ea , Firebird v0 63 ea 1 , Firebird , Firebird , Firebird v0 64 , Firebird v0 65 , Firebird v058JD , Firebird v058symbolfix , Firebird v01 57 , Firebird v060 , Firebird v065-Fixed , Firebird v065tf , Firebird v63 , Firebird v63 gbp eur , Firebird v63 TVD , Firebird v63 TVD1 , Firebird v63 TVD2 , Firebird v63A , Firebird v63iFXAnalyzerv01 , Firebird v63iFXAnalyzerv03 , Firebird v631 , Firebird v632 , Firebird v63B , Firebird v63B1 , Firebird v63D , Firebird v63D1 , Firebird v63E , Firebird v63E1 , Firebird v63F , Firebird v63G , Firebird v057 , Firebirdv0 1 60ea , Firebirdv0 1 60ea1 , Firebirdv63EEURUSD, Firestats v0 5 , Firestats2 v0 10 , Fisher 20Transform, Fisherexit, Fisherexit 1 , Fisherm11, Fishermbk, Fisherorgv12, Fisherorgv12 1 , FisherYur4ik, FisherYur4ik2, FisherYur4ikCorrect, FisherYur4ikk, Fisherman, fjuchers, fl1010797771b1ed8f8bd1f303918447259f159e, fl10269624d5fbdc8f384cba1d601dc536e88198, Flat, Flat Trend , Flat Trend RSI , Flat , Flat Trend v1 0 , Flat 1 , FlatTrend, FlatTrend SMC modified , FlatTrend V2 , FlatTrend V21 , FlatTrend V3 , FlatTrend V31 , FlatTrend w MACD , FlatTrend 20SMC 20modified, FlatTrend 20V2, FlatTrend 20V31, FlatTrendSMCmodified, FlatTrendSMCmodified 1 , FlatTrendwMACD, FlatTrendwMACD 1 , FlatTrend1, Float, Float 2 , Float01, fmwk, FN Diver Osc , FN Signal , FNCD, fond, FoolishexpertbynameHamperforchampionship2007, ForGod, Force Index , ForeTrenScaV1 1, forecast osc-30M , forecast 20osc-30M, Forever3Ilovev3, Forex-eBook-Easy-Forex-, Forex-SuccessfulTrading, Forex 1-2-3 , Forex 241 , Forex For Everyone , Forex Freeway , Forex Freeway2 , Forex Freeway2-RSX , Forex Freeway21 , Forex Freeway2colormod , Forex Killer , Forex Profit Monster System Version 3 0 , Forex , Forex , Forex System Profit , Forex Trading Candlestick and Pattern 2 , Forex Trading Candlestick and Pattern 1 , Forex Trading Machine , Forex 20Freeway2, Forex, EA, Expert Advisor, Indicator, Trading System, Strategies Profit Robot , ForexAIAutoTraderv2 1 mq4 , FOREXASSASSIN, ForexAutoCash, forexbreakoutsystem, ForexConqueredbyJohnLPerson, ForexEAGepard 5 0 , Forexexpert, ForexGhostPileDriver, ForexGoldenGooseUltimate, ForexGoldenGooseUltimate2, forexloophole, ForexManualin English , forexmarkethoursmonitorv2 0, FOREXPOINTANDFIGURE, forexprofitaccelerator, forexprofithunter, forexrevolution, ForexShocker, forexsniper, forexsovet, ForexSupreme, ForexTerminator, forextradingMMTSSystem, ForexTradingSpreadsheetv3 2 7, forexvirtuoso, Forex Success System , ForexAI, forexbacklashadvanced, ForexDerivative, ForexDominionMT4, forexearthquake, ForeXer-completed, ForeXer3 0, foreXer3 11, foreXer4 0, foreXer6 0, foreXer3ILovev3cls5, ForexHackedv10e, Forexnews, ForexOFFTrend, ForexOFFTrend indi , ForexOFFTrend v1 01 , ForexOFFTrend 23SEP05 , ForexOFFTrend 4AUG05 , ForexOffTrendAlert, ForexOFFTrend1, ForexOFFTrend1 2823SEP05 29, ForexOFFTrend1 1 , ForexOFFTrend1 23SEP05 , ForexOFFTrend2, ForexOFFTrend3, ForexOFFTrend4, ForexOFFTrend4 282 29, ForexOFFTrend4 2 , ForexOFFTrendCustom, ForexPlatinumv2 1, ForexRising, ForexRobotTrader, FOREXSS, ForexTester, ForexTrendv2, ForexTSDCalendarV1 5, fotest, Fozzy Method , Fractal, Fractal Breakout Modified , Fractal Zig Zag , Fractal Zig Zag1 , Fractal Zig Zag2 , Fractal ZigZag , Fractal ZigZag Expert , FractalZigZag, FractalAMAMBK, FractalAMAMBK 1 , FractalBest, FractalBestAll 1 , FractalChannel 1 , FractalChannelv1, FractalChannelv1 1 , Fractals, FractalsT 1 , Fractals 3 , Fractals Signal diapazon , Fractals5-diapazon 1 , Fractals5 2BSignal 2Bdiapazon, Fractals5 Signal , Fractals9, FractalVolOpt, Fractured Fractals , Frank, Franks 4hour limit orders , Franks 4hour limit orders1 , frankud, FrBestExp021malomamod, FrBestExp022malomamod, FrBestExp023malomamod, FrBestExp024malomamod, FrBestExp025malomamod, FrBestExp026malomamod, FrBestExp027malomamod, FreeForexSignal, Freeway - All , Freeway - All1 , Freeway 20- 20All, Freeway 20- 20All1, Fruity Pebbles 1 1 , Fruity Pebbles 11 1 , FTLM, FTLM-STLM, FTLMhist, FTLMKGhist, FTLMKGhist 1 , FTLMSTLM, FTLMSTLM 1 , FullBarwSpreadShadow, FullBarwSpreadShadow 1 , funtik, FuturesSymbols, FX Fish , FX Genius Robot , FX Sniper s Chandelier , FX Sniper s ErgodicCCI , FX Sniper s ErgodicCCITrigger , FX Trading System Penyu Bertelur by Soros1 , FX 20Fish, FX 20Sniper 27s 20ErgodicCCI, FX 20Sniper 27s 20ErgodicCCIBB, FX 20Sniper 27s 20ErgodicCCITrigger, FX 20Sniper 27s 20T3 20CCI, FxChaosScalpEA, FXFISH, FXFISH-mod, FXFISH-mod 1 , FXFISH Mod , FXFISH Mod1 , FXFISH Mod2 , FXFISH 1 , FXFISH 1 , FXFISH2MA 1 , FXFreedomBarxMODE7MTF, FXProPlusv2, FX10, FX10EA, Fx10Setup, Fx10Setup 1 , FXAnalyserv6, FxBroBusV10, fxnews10beta, fxnewsbolttun, FXOE-Asctrend, FXOE-Combo, FXOE-ITrend, FXOE-ITrendHisto, FXOE-Juice, fxoe-lib, FXOE-LRSI, FXOE-SHIChannel, FXOE-SHISlope 1 , FXOPEN AGREEMENT , FxOverEasy, Fxovereasy System , FxOverEasyEA, FxSoniSystemforex, FxWizard Levels , gerdman, GAMMA v122b , Ganbahtp10sl22, Gann, Gann-1, GannSwingsVIII 1 , GannSwingsXVI, GannZigZag, GannZigZag 1 , Gartley Reversal Auto , Gauss Minigun F , Gauss Minigun v07 , GBP9AM, GBPJPYTraderOri, GBPUSD60FATL, GBPUSD60SATL, GBPUSDH1, Gem-xpMA, GentorCCI, GentorCCI1, GentorCCI2, Gepard, Gepard 3 0 eng - mq4 , Gepard3 1nnn, Gepard4 2, GEPARD31 complete version , GEPARD31 limited , GEPARD31 - , German, Get Rich or Die Trying Any GBP , Get Rich or Die Trying Any GBP1 , GimmeeBar, GJ 3 serangkai , Gladiator, GLAMtrader, Gliding Channels Trader CF v11 , Gliding Channels Trader CF v11 , GlidingChannels CF v2 , GMMA Long , GMMA Short , GMMA 20Long, GMMA 20Short, gmostradingzone1oc, GO, GODZILLA, GoldenTrendManager, GoldenCross, GoldenProfit-AU, GoldenStream V2 , GoldWarrior01bMT4, GoldWarrior02b, GoodMacd, GoodMacd dark screen , GoodMacd1, Gordago2, gpfTCPivotStop, gprd, GRAAAL, GREEZLY, GREEZLY2009, Grid Builder , Gridmacd, GridMACDM15EURUSDMMFF, GRoDv1, Groza2 0, Groza2 1, GT, GTShadowv3 09, Guppy mma , H1H6 expert , hadi4emacrossheadg, Hans 123 Edited Version , Hans Indicator3 , Hans 20Indicator2, Hans 20Indicator4, Hans123MV1 1 2 , Hans123MV22, Hans123MV22MBK1, Hans123MV22MBK11, Hans123MV22MBK12, Hans123Trader, Hans123Trader v9 , Hans123Traderv2, Hans123Traderv8, Hans123Traderv8m11, Hans123Traderv8m11R, Hans123Traderv901, Hans123Traderv902, Hans123Traderv902 2 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer1 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer2 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer3 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer4 , HappyDojiLuckyHammer, HarvesterR3, Heart Beat , HeartBeat 1 , Heat, HedgeHog, HedgeHog1 1 0 , HedgeHogv1 1 1 , HedgeHogv1 1 3 , HedgeHogv1 1 1 1 , HedgeHogUltrav1, HedgeTest, HedgeTest 1 , HedgExpertv1, HedgExpertv1 1 1 , Hedging Lot Strategy , Heiken Ashi , Heiken Ashi BG , Heiken Ashi 05SEP05 , Heiken Ashi 23SEP05 , Heiken Ashi , Heiken 20Ashi, Heiken 20Ashi 20BG, Heiken 20Ashi 2823SEP05 29, HeikenAshi, HeikenAshiMod, HeikenAshiMod 03SEP05 , HeikenAshiSmoothed, Heiken299, Heikin 20Ashi, henryfxstrategy, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo 1 , HiLowIndicator, HiNetHedge, HiFastLoSlow LoFastHiSlow LSMA Diverge , HighLow v2 ZigZag , HighLow v2 ZigZag 08SEP05 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 23SEP05 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 1 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 1 23SEP05 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 2 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 3 , HighLow 20v2 20 28ZigZag 29, HighLow 20v2 20 28ZigZag 29 2808SEP05 29, HighLowv2ZigZag, HighsLowsSignalAlert, HighsLowsSignalAlert 1 , Hilda System , HiLo, HiLo Activator , HiLo 20Activator, HiLoActivatorProfi, HiLoBandsBug, HistStepMAStochKV1Ex02, HistStepMAStochKV1Ex02with Filterlevels , HistStepMAStochKV1Ex02with Filterlevels 2 , HistStepMAStochKV1Ex03, HistStepMAStochKV1Ex03 1 , HistogramINDI, HL, HL Next Activator , HL Next Activator Comment , HL 20Next 20Activator, HMA, HMAColor, HMAColor 1 , HMAColorv02, HMAColorv02 1 , HMAColorv02b, HMAColorv02b 1 , HMAColorv03, HMAColorv03 1 , HMANoSolid, HMARussianColor, HMARussianColorsep, HMARussianColorsep1, HMAv02, HMAv02 1 , HMAv03, HMAv03 1 , HMAv04, HMAv04 1 , HMAv05, HMAv05 1 , HMAv06, HMAv06 1 , HMAv07, HMAb, HMAb 1 , Hole in One , holodovforex, HolyGrailEA, HowGeorgeSorosKnowsWhatHeKnows, Hull Trend , HxD, i-BigBarsFromH1, i-Cross 26Main-maloma, i-Cross 26Mainm, i-Cross Main , i-DayOfWeek 1 , i-DayRange, i-DRProjectionsv 1 1 0 1 , i-Fractals-3172552-sig, i-FridaySig, i-FridaySig 1 , i-GentorCCIMv 0 2, i-GentorCCIMv 1 0, i-GentorCCIMv 1 1, i-GentorCCIMv 1 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 0 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 1 0 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 2 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 2 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA 26EMAv 5B1 5D2 0 2, i-GentorLSMA EMAv 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 2 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 2 1 0 , i-IntradayFibonacci, i-LRL-2Color, i-MondaySig, i-MorningRange, i-ParamonWorkTime, i-ParamonWorkTime1, i-RoundPrice-T01m, i-RoundPrice-T01m-mod, i-RoundPrice-T01m-mod NonLagMA2 , i-RP-T01m-mod-4, i-Sessions, i-Sessions-02, i Trend , i 20Trend, iDCGCamarilla, iDCGCamarilla 1 , iDCGModStDev, iDCGModStDev 1 , iTrend, ITrustInLuck, IXOAH, i4DRFv2, i4GoldenLionTrendv3, i9, i9-F, i9-T34b, iAnchMom, iAnchMom 1 , iAvgVol, iAvgVol 2 , IBFX - Waves , IBSRSICCIv3, Ichimoku, Ichimoku 1 , Ichimoku5, IchimokuAlertv1, Icho-Trend, Icho-Trend 1 , IchoTrend, iCustomN7STSMforExp, ICWR, icwr ea , ICWR v0 1 1 beta5 , ICWR , ICWR v0 1 1 beta3 , ICWR v0 1 1BETA5 , ICWR 20v0, icwr 1, icwr 10, icwr 11, icwr 12, icwr 12Bx, icwr 13, icwr 13x, icwr 14, icwr 16, icwr 17, icwr 18, icwr 19, icwr 2, icwr 20, icwr 2a, icwr 3, icwr 4, icwr 5, icwr 6, icwr 7, icwr 8, icwr 9, ICWR a, ICWR a 2 , icwr 1 12 , ICWR fib , icwr1 1, icwr1 12, icwr1 12Bx, icwr1 13x, icwr1 17, icwr1 19, icwr1 2, icwr1 20, icwr1 3, icwr1 5, icwr2 19, icwr2 2, icwr3 2, icwr4, id, iFirebird, IFish, iFXAnalyser, iFXAnalyser 1 , iFXAnalyserH4, iFXAnalyserH4-Open, iFXAnalyserH4-Open1, iFXAnalyserH4-Open1 1 , iFXAnalyserH4 1 , iFXAnalyserH41, iFXAnalyserH42, iFXAnalyserH43, iFXAnalyser1, iFxOverEasy1, iFXSI, igrabirza, iichartingcandlestickcharts, iKarakatica, Ilan-comleted, ILan 1 5 , ilan1 6, Ilan1 6BBPowerv2 2Time, Ilan1 6PipStepExponent1 4, ilanprofit, ilanprofit - rus , IloveFX4 01, iMAFibsAbove, iMAFibsAbove 2 , iMAFibsBelow, iMAFibsBelow 1 , iMATrueFibsAbove, iMATrueFibsBelow, iMATrueFibsBelow 1 , iMACD, iMACross, iMACross 2 , Ind-Fractals-1, Ind-Fractals-1 08SEP05 , Ind-Fractals-1 1 , Ind-Fractals-1 23SEP05 , Ind-Fractals-11, Ind-Fractals-11 23SEP05 , Ind-Fractals-alltf-1 1 1 1 , Ind-MurreyMathMT4VG-1, Ind-SKB-1, Ind-TD-DeMark-3, Ind-TD-DeMark-3-1, Ind-TD-DeMark-3-1 2 , Ind-TD-DeMark-3-1eng, Ind-WSO 2BWRO 2BTrend 20Line, ind - Profitunity Bars , IND Inverse , IND Inverse EMA , IND InverseB , IND 20Inverse 2BEMA, INDInverseandBBandEMA, IndTDDeMark31eng, IndTDDeMark31LAMod01AIME, IndTDDeMark31LAMod03BAIME, IndTDDeMark31LAMod03BAIME1, IndVilkaFractalsv1 2, ind2, ind3, INDIAN UNIVERSAL EA , indicator, indicators Global , IndicatorsTsystems, IndikatorTAACH, indofxBREAKOUTver1 0, IniotionNewsReaderv9 92Lite, inpossibilium nulla obligatio est , Install Exp - VirtualTradePad v5 2 , Instant TrendLine , Instant TrendLine1 , Instant 20TrendLine1, InstantForexProfitSystem, Instantaneous Trend , Instantaneous 20Trend, InstantTrendLine, IntelectualProFIXED, IntelectualProEurGBP, Intraday Open Pivot Setup , Intraday Pivots Trading , Intraday Trading Techniques , intraday4newbies, IntroductionToForex, IntroductionToFutures, isakaskuskusv2, it d, it1, it2, it3, Itend old , iTrend, iTrend mod , Itrend Old , iTrendhist, iTrend1, IvyBot v5 1 , JTPO, JTPO 1 , JTPOClean, JTPOOSC, JTPOVelocity, JAGUARHEDGEV2, JAGUARcHEDGE, Jaimo-JMA, JapanCandlesticks, JCFBaux, jfk, JJMA, JKsinkhro, JKsinkhro 23SEP05 , JKsinkhro1, JMA, JMA i , JMA RSX , JMA 20 5Bi 5D, JMACCI, JMACCI i , JMACCI 20 5Bi 5D, JMAMACD i , JMASL, JMAStarLight, JMAv2, JMACD, JMACD1, JMASlope, JPrice Channel , , Juice, Juice StdDev with Histogram LA , Juice2, Juice5Level, JuiceLevelsAlert, JuiceLevelsAlertNew, Juicenew, Jumpy, JustInTime, JVNGMagnetIndicator, KailashEURCHF, Kalman filter , KAMARev, KAMARev1, KAMARev2, KAMARev3, KanalAnt, Kaufman, KaufmanBands, Kaufman2, Kaufman3, KC, KeepItSimple, KelasBelajarForex2ndedition, kelasbelajarforex01, Keltner Channels , KeltnerATRBand, KeltnerATRBand mt4 , KeltnerChannels, KentDouglassimpleforexsolution, KGRelativeStr, KhaosAssault2, KI EA , KIsignalsv2, KIsignals1H1 low3-10-18optimized , Kijun-Sen, Kijun-sen , KijunTenkan , KiSAvg, Kolachi Trader , Kuasaforexmodiftotal, LabTrend2v1, LabTrend3v1, Laguerre, Laguerre MinusDi , Laguerre PlusDi , Laguerre RSI , LaguerreROC, Laguerre1, LaguerreFilter, LaguerreVolume, LAS VEGAS TUNNEL , LASVEGASTUNNEL2, LASVEGASTUNNEL3, LawaqibEA, LazyExpert, LBS, LBS V12 , LC 2in1 , Least Square MA , Level Trading , lever, leverage, LGP-Pivot 20DJ, LGPIvanoffMaloma-DemarkLevels, lifestyle, lihovidov, Linear Price Bar , Linear Regression , Linear Regression Line , Linear Regression Line1 , Linear Regression Line2 , Linear 20Regression 20Line, LinearRegression, LinearRegression1, LineindicatorOriginal, Linesbuy 1 , Linessell, linreg, linreg 1 , Live Charts Fib Pivots , lmt, lock, LockPipsingXR2009v1, londonrush, Longterma, Longterma1, Longterma2, LRC, LSMA, LSMA in Color , LSMA in Color3 , LSMA in Color31 , LSMA 20in 20Color31, LSMAAngle, LSMAAppliedPrice, LSMAAppliedPrice1, LSMAAppliedPrice1 1 , LSMAChannel, LSMAColor, LSMAincolor00a, LSMAinColor3, LSMALine, LSMA1, LSMA1 1 , LSMA11, LSMA12, Lucky, Lucky2 4, luckyV 1 2 4 , lukas1 v14 , LWMA-CrossoverSignal, LWMA2, LylyGCatheriniv1 0, M A C HXalert, m1v11 killerkhan , , , M5G, M7swdr, MA-ATR, MA-ATR 2 , MA Angle , MA Chanels FiboEnv Mid , MA Cross 20 , MA Cross 201 , MA cross with take profit levels 4 , MA dots , MA in Color , MA in ColorwAppliedPrice , ma of rsi , MA 20in 20Color, MA 20in 20ColorwAppliedPrice, MAALERT, MABrkOutHv2, MACrossoverAlert, MACrossoverAlert3-34, MACrossoverEmailAlert, MACrossoverEmailAlert1, MACrossoverEmailAlert1 1 , MACrossoverexpertv1, MACrossoverexpertv11, MACrossoverSignal, MACrossoverSignal 1 , MACrossoverSignal 1 1 , MACrossoverSignalVoiceAlert, MACrossoverSignalVoiceAlert1, MACrossoverSignalWithwav, MACrossoverSignal1, MACrossoverSignal2, MACrossoverSignal3, MACrossoverSignal4, MACrossoverSignal5, MACrossoverSignalAlert, MaDistanceFromPrice, MAReverseEA, MAShiftCrossoverAlert, MATSI, MA2Signal, maccelerationeurusd1, maccelerationexpauto2, MACD, MACD-2, MacD-2 line , MACD-2MTF, MACD-Alt, MACD osMA , MACD 5-34-5 , MACD ASCTrend1sig Audible , MACD Custom , MACD Fix , MACD Hist , MACD Sample , MACD Sample russian , MACD Sample Test , MACD , MACD , MACD , MACD2Color, macdadx, MACDDivergence, MACDlines, MACDSampleTraining, , , , , MACDSignalv2, MACD OsMA , MACD OsMA AO AC T3Ind , MACD1, MACDcorrect, MACDdtLSMA, MACDOsMA, MACDsignals, MACDsignalsv0 2, MACDsignalsv01 2, MACrossIndicator, Magesha, Magesha4 1, MagicalForex, MahmoudAmer, Maitei Method , MakeGrid, MakeGrid-With 100 and 200 EMA , MakeGrid5010020030pipsstop70, MakeGridGbpUsdDaily, MakeGridWith100and200EMA, MakeGrid192, MakeGrid193, MakeGrid193BE Long , MakeGrid193BE LongShort , MakeGrid193BE Short , MakeGridLSMA, MaksiGenKaHaJICkaJIneP, MaksiGenRangeMove, MAMy3, ManageTakeProfit, ManageTakeProfit stockwet , MandrakeSystem, Manual Trendline Trader , MarkDouglasTheDisciplinedTrader, market profile , market profile1 , marketprofile, Martengail-2Han, martin-profit-exper, Martingailbreakdowning0 9 4, Martingailbreakdowningv1, Masterforex-Demo, matunnel, MaxMinWPR-MM, MAXPIPS2008, MBKAsctrend3times, MBKAsctrend3times1, mc, MDV, Mechanical Discretion , MechanicsTrade, Median, Medved QuoteTracker , MegaDroid, MegaDroidProXE, Merdekaramav1 3 2, Merkio Exp Ukis 2008 , Merkio Exp Ukis , metastocktocsv, metod, MHGSbeta, Michelangelo, Michelangelo28nov05, mikahekin, mikahekin-v1 0, mikahekin-v1 1, mikkobbchannels, MillionaireTraders, minachi101, MIndex, MIndex 30AUG05 , miracle of dicipline , Misakasv1 3b, MizuTori, mjADXFilterv1 0, MLPO, MMK-MM1 09, MMK-MM1 092, MMTS 2 0 , MMTSExpert, MMTSExpert1, mmwpr, mod con template , mod con template1 , mod con template2 , modcontemplate, Modelling Quality , Modify All , Momentum, money-management1, money 10 , money 9 , MoneyManagementControllingRiskAndCapturingProfits, MoneyRain, MoneyStream, Monstr, Morgan, MoStAsHaR15 Pivot Expert , MoStAsHaR15 Pivot Expert 30AUG05 , Moutaki Method , Moving Average , Moving Average tp , Moving , Moving , Moving Average2 , Moving Average3 , Moving Averages , Moving AveragesonTF , MovingAverage, MP Overlay , mqcodes, mql2html, mqlcache, MRO2, msvcr71, MT Account Copier , MT4-Cams-Pivots, mt4mmv0 1 1 rc3 , MTF Center of Gravity , MTF HMA Russian Color , MTF indicators w , MTFJuice, MTFMACDinColor, MTFHAs, MTP1 7, mts corector , Multi-Lot Scalper , MultiLotScalper, MultiLotScalperA, MultiLotScalperPDAYMT4, MultiLotScalperPsars1, MultiLotScalperPsarsV1, MultiLotScalper1, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY1, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY2, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY3, MultiLotScaplerPDAYMT4, MultiLotScaplerPDAYMT41, MultiPurposeEA, MultiBreakOutv0 1 1 1 , MultiBreakOutv0 1 1 3a , , MultiEMA, MultiPairWPR, Multiple10PointsX2v1 76, Multiple10PointsX2v1 762, MultipleMA, MultiplePivotsV2, MurrayMath, Murrey Math Lines F , Murrey Math Lines F2 , Murrey Math System , MurreyMath, MurreyMathLineXeng, MurreyMathModified, MurreyMathModified1, MurreyMathMT4PeriodVG, MurreyMathMT4VG, MurreyMathMT4VGA, MurreyMathMT4VG1, MurreyMathMT4VG1b, MurreyMathMT4VG1b1, MurreyMathMT4VGb, mvspytrendpro, MyFirstAdviser, my2007, myMACD4ver2, MyProject, N7SExpert194694202, nd1, nd1Sig, nd1Stop, nd1StopLine, nd2, nd2Sig, nd2Stop, nd2StopLine, NeuroM, NeuroNet, neurofilter1 0r, NEURON-SYSTEMSv2 4, NeuroProba, NeuroScalping, Neverhood, Nevod, NEWfolder, news, News Traders Mt4 v01 , News Trading , NewsAmazingEA1 0 5, newsgrabber, newssystem, NewsTradersMt4v01, NewsReader, NewsUpdater, NewWave1 7 1 1, NewWave1 7 1 12, NFPPilot, nicktraderonnopricetrading, NINA, NinaStepMA1, NINA1, NinaEA, NinaEA v 02 , NinaEA v03 , NinaEA v031 , NinaEAtest, ningheikenashi, nnea, NOLOSS, Noah10pips2006, NRTR, NRTR 1 , NRTR Pilot Alert , NRTR Rosh v2 , NRTR WATR , NRTR WATR-hist , NRTR WATR1 , NRTR With Alert , NRTRdots1, NRTRLine1, NRTRPilot2alert, NRTRPilotalert, NRTRPilotalert 23SEP05 , NRTRPilotalert1, NRTRPilot911, NRTR1, NY breakout v0 10 , NY breakout v0 11 , NY breakout v01 11 , OanFxTimer, OanFxTimer2, oilfxprosimple support and resistancefxf , onlyprofit, OpenTiks, OpenTiks2, optimization, Osc other , osc1, OsMA, OsMA5barrolling0 4, otoyti ot del bogatim , OverHedge, OverHedgeV2, OzFx1 02, PairDifference, Paladav2 4-bestonGBPH1, palka, palka2, Pallada EA v6 0-DC EA , Pallada3 0Final, Parabolic, ParabolicAlert, ParabolicSARADXEA, Parabolic2, Parallel channels , ParamonScalp, past regression deviated , pastregressiondeviated, Pattern, Pattern Alert , Pattern Recognition , PCCI, PDF, pedroXXmod, Pegasus, Pending Orders , Pendulum, Percent Bollinger Bands , PerkyAsctrend1, PerkyAsctrend11, pfe2, pfe2 ex , PhatTDREI, PhatZigZag, phoenixeav5603, phoenix2007-EA, Pifon, PipBoxerV2 0 6UsersGuide, pipboxer0122, pipcollector EA manual , PipforiaHGv2 0 5, pipmaster, pipmaster2, pipmaster2 1 , pips, PipsLeaderUsdJpyEA, PipsLeaderUsdjpy, PipsMinerEE, PipsMinerSE, PipsMinerSELE , pipstrading, PIPSTALKER, pipsutorEURUSD, PipTraderSetup, Piptronicv1 0, PipZuEURUSDv1, Pivot, Pivot-2, Pivot Midnight to Midnight V2 , Pivot Calculator , Pivot Lines , Pivot Lines 2 , Pivot Lines Timezone , Pivot LinesRDs , Pivot Lines2 , Pivot Lines3 , Pivot Point Median , Pivot Points , Pivot Range , Pivot 23JUL05 , PivotBacktest, pivottrader20070921, Pivot1, Pivot2, PivotCustom4TimeFrames, PivotCustomTime, PivotCustomTime, PivotDyna, PivotEMA3, PivotEMA3RLH, PivotEMA3RLHv2, PivotEMA3RLHv21, PivotEMA3RLHv3, PivotEMA3RLHv31, PivotEMA3RLHv4, PivotEMA3RLHv41, PivotPoints - MT04 - Indicator , Pivots, Pivots By MoStAsHaR15 , Pivots Custom , Pivots Daily , Pj-over RSI , plan x , PlatinumFairR9, PlatinumFairR92, PlatinumBestD105B, plaYmate2 pluto, PM HF , PMaxEA, pollan, polyhedron, positionsizing, Pouria Method , PowerfxTradeTool, PowerSwing, Practical Fibonacci Method , PragmaExpertv2 21, PragmaExpertv2 212, PrevDay-HiLo-kelvin, PrevDayHiLokelvin, PrevDayAndFloatingPivot, Price Channel , Price Channel2 , Price Chennel , PriceDistribution, PriceChannelStopv1, PriceChannelStopv6, PriceTrender, PriceTrender2, PriceTrenderChartTest, Priliv, Prilivs, PrimusSilver-CRACKED, priorities comp final , Pristine-1, PRO, ProAdvisorv5, Pro4x Pivot Lines , Profinacci Calculator , profit-factor1, Profit Generator , Profit Generator 2 6 , Profit Generator 3 3 2 , Profit Generator 333 , profitdax, profitdax2, ProfitGenerator333test, ProfitHunterEA, ProfitableTrendForexAdvanced, PROFITDAYPROv 2009, profiter, Profiter2009, ProfitHunter, profx, prognoz, program, programforex, Progressive, PROphet, proverka1 4udp, PS2, Pseudocarcharia, PVMurreyMath, PVMurreyMath4l, PVTv1, Pyramid, pyramidEA, pzvws2008, QuantumTraderv5 0Elite, QuantumTraderv5 0Elite2, R2ArrowsV1, RahnAbbott, Rahsia Forex DebtFreedom , rahsiaforexv1, RainbowMMA01, RainbowMMA02, RainbowMMA03, RainbowMMA04, RainbowMMA05, RainbowMMA06, RainbowMMA07, RainbowMMA08, RainbowMMA09, RainbowMMA10, RainbowMMA11, RainbowOsMA, Range, Rapid Forex , RAVI, RAVI FX Fisher , RAVI FX Fisher2 , RBCI, RBCIhist, RBCI2, RD-BT2Stop, RD-Combo, RD-forecast osc-15M , RD-ForecastOsc, RD-ForecastOscOld, RD-Pivot LinesJ , RD-PivotLines, RD-PivotLines 01 , RD-PivotLinesOld, Real Trader 4 , RegressionChannelV2, RelativeR2, ren99, Renkov1, Renkov11, Rental Signal , Research Indicator , Retranslator - , RFTL, RichardSELL BUYv 1 8 , RickyD System , RICKYD Trading System , RIDILEVELSMT4, Rimbalzov2 6, riskcontrolandmoneymanagement, robertfisher, RobinHoodeurusd, Robot-Kit, Robot Ratesniper , RobotForex20082009and2010Pro, RobotForex2008Pro, RobotForex2009Pro, RobotForex2009ProAlternative, RobotForex2011Profesional, RobotForex2014ProfesionalLive, RobotForex2015Profesional, RobotForex2015ProfesionalReal4Digital, RobotForex2015ProfesionalReal4Digital , RobotForex2015ProfesionalReal5Digital, RobotPowerM5-m , RobotPowerM5-ma, RobotPowerM5meta4V1, RobotPowerM5meta4V1 26AUG05 , RobotPowerM5meta4V1 30AUG05 , RobotPowerM5meta4V1 30AUG05b , RobotPowerM5meta4V1 31AUG05 , RobotPowerM5meta4V11, RobotPowerM5meta4V11a, RobotPowerM5meta4V12, RobotPowerM5meta4V1a, ROC, ROC1, rotatingtext, Royale Wave Indi , RoyaleWaveIndi, RPM5MT4 ea , RPM5MT4V1 ea , RPoint, rqidse, RSI, RSI-3TF, RSI-TC, RSI-TCNEW, RSI CROSS , RSI CROSS1 , RSI Orlanth line , RSI trader v0 10 , RSI trader v01 10 , RSIEA, RSIEA1, RSIMACDMARon01, RSIRSIRSI, RSItraderv0 1 10 , rsier1m, rsier1m1, rsier1m2, RSIFilterv1, RSItrend, RSTL, rsx, RSXCD, RSXMTF, rttnews, rukoivodstvo po investirovaniu , russian20-HP, russian20-HP1, russian20HP, rvmFractalsLevel, rvmGannsv2, rvmGannsv6, rvmGannsv8n, s, S-R 1, s Indicator i , sa MTEISupertrend, sa MTEISupertrend1, SakifliSwingEuroJpy, SAMPLE, SandRa, sanpundon, SAR Trading , SAR Trading , sarcolor, SARRSI1H, sashken2, SATL, SATLs, sb MTFMTEISupertrendHisto, sb MTFMTEISupertrendHisto1, sc MTFMTEISupertrendOnPrice, sc MTFMTEISupertrendOnPrice1, scalper 2 , Scalping System FX1 , Schaff Trend , Schaff Trend Cycle , SDL, SDX - 8h , SDX-TzBreaktout, SDX-TzPivots, SDX-TzPivotsmod, SDX-ZoneBreakout, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z1-v2, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z1-v21, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z2, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z2-v2, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z2-v21, SDX-ZoneBreakout2, SDX8h, secretreportForexautomoney, SekuntilStokasticS3System2009, SelfAdjustRSIv1, SendPendingOrder, sereganlp2008, sergmartini2, Sergey0 2, Session breakout v0 20 ea , Session breakout v0 25 , Session breakout v0 26 , Session breakout v01 26 , Session breakout v01mbk , Sexy Stochastic , Shade NY 07 13 GMT , ShadeNY, ShadeNYv5, ShadeNY1, Shadowsv1 1, Shark5ultimatefull, Shark5ultimatefull2, SHEFireBirdv5 3, SHI Channel , SHI Channel11 , SHI Channel11- mt , Shi Channels , SHIChannel, SHIChannelColourTalk, shichanneltalking, shichanneltalking1, SHIChanneltrue, SHIMod, SHIModvLine, SHISilverTrendColourBars, SHISilverTrendColourBars1, SHISilverTrendSig, SHISilverTrendSig1, ShortTermForex, Sidus Method v2 , sidusv 2, signal keris , SiliconAmbitio, Silver-channels, Silver-channels , SilverMACD , SilverTrend, SilverTrendSignal, SilverTrendSignal With Alert v3 , SilverTrendSignal With Alert v3 28JUL05 , SilverTrendSignal1, SilverTrendExpertV2a, SilverTrendSignal, SilverTrendTrader, SilverTrendTrader xyz , SilverTrendTraderv3, SilverTrendTraderv3JTPO, SilverTrendTraderv3JTPO1, SilverTrendTraderv4, SilverTrendTraderv4JTPO, SilverTrendTraderv5, SilverTrendTraderv6, SilverTrendTraderv7, SilverTrendV3, simple-macd-EA, Simple Scalping 5min , simpleforexsolution, SimplePivot, sinTrend, sixindv31, sixperiodv31, SketchyStoploss, SKIVTrader, SKIVTrader O, SKIVTrader , SkyDartv4, SkyForexv 1, SlopeTradeADXv, SMA-CrossoverSignal, SmartIngsun, SMC, SMC-1, SMC Autotrader , SMC Autotrader , SMC eur usd , SMC eur usd 26AUG05 , SMC eur usd 28AUG05 , SMC eur usd1 , SMC eur usd1 26AUG05 , SMC eur usd2 , SMC HiLo v1 1 , SMC HiLo , SMC HiLo v11 1 , SMC HiLo , SMC MA , SMC MA 3BAR , SMC MA Cross , SMC MA xover , SMC MACD new idea , SMC Manual EA , SMC Manual EA limit andor stop order , SMC Manual EA with seperation , SMC Manual Trading v1 , SMC Skeleton v3 , SMC Trader 2 MAs 12 26 EMA Basic , SMC Trader 2 MAs 5 20 EMA , SMC Trader 2 MAs 5 20 EMA1 , SMC Trader Aroon V1 3 , SMC Trader Camel CCI MACD , SMC Trader Camel CCI MACD - ron02 , SMC Trader Camel CCI MACD1 , SMC Trader Kurt , SMC Trader Kurt v2 , SMC Trader Kurt v2 26AUG05 , SMC Trader Kurt v21 , SMC Trader Kurt1 , SMC Trader Kurt2 , SMC Trader MACD v1 0 , SMC Trader Manual , SMC Trader Manual1 , SMC Trader Skeleton v2 , SMC Trader Skeleton v2 07SEP05 , SMC Trader TriggerLines V2 1 , SMC USD JPY cci test , SMCShell, SMCTraderTriggerLinesV2 1 1 , SMC1, SMC2, SMC3, SMI, SMMA-CrossoverSignal, SmoothCandle C v1 00 , SmoothCandle S v1 00 , SmPriceBend-T01, SMSalert, SnakeForce, SnakeStopLevels, SnapShotEA, SnapShotEA1, SnapShotI, Sniperfox, sokol , solagracia, Solar Wind , Something, sovet, Spider3Lv08, spoutnik, Spread, Spud MTF Stochastic , Squeeze Straddle , sr limit , SRDC Method , SSLchannelchartalert, , , Standard Deviation Channels , StandardDeviationChannels, Standart Pivot Lines , STARC Bands , STARC Bands1 , starter, Starterv4Ganja-ManSettings, Starterv4mod1, Starterv4mod, Starterv4modV2, Starterv4modV21, Starterv6, Starterv6fukissecialsecretovermegagainingversion, starterv6mode, StarterWithNoIndicators, Stealth, StealthForexV10, SteinitzHASMT, steinitzHASMTF, Step, StepChoppyv1, StepChoppyv1 1 2 , StepChoppyv1 1 2a , StepChoppyv1 1 3 , StepChoppyv1 1 1 2 , StepChoppyBarsv1, StepChoppyBarsv1 1 1 , StepMA3Dv1, StepMAColorv2, StepMAStochv1, StepMAv1, StepMAv2, StepMAv3, StepMAv7, StepMAv7a, StepRSIv2, StepRSIv5 2, StepRSIv5 1 2 , StepStov1, STI403, Stitch V2 1 , STLMFTLMTrade, STLMhist, STLM2, STLMs, StocasticsOnPriceChart, StocasticsOnPriceChart1, StocasticsOnPriceChartExtreme, stoch power EA5g , StochAlertv1, STOCHALERT, Stochastic, Stochastic RSI , StochasticDiNapoliv1, stochRSI, StocRSI 2 , Stop reversal , Stopreversal, Stopreversalbluestops, Stopreversalmod, Stopreversalmod1, stopreversal, StopReversalwithAlert, Straddle Trail , Straddler Handler , StrangeIndicator, Strategy2009, Strategy10, StrategyTester, StrategyTester1, Stratoblaster, StratoTriggerlines, StreetSmartForex, StudyBookforSuccessfulForeignExchangeDealing, suffic369, suffic369EURM15, SunTzu, Sup-Res, super-signalsv1, super-signalsv2a 2 , SuperHedgingv1 67, SuperTrend, SuperExpertv3, Supernova Method , SuperSR 6 , SuperSR7, Supertrend, Supertrend Audible Alert , SuperTrend3, Supertrend1, SuperWoodieCCI, SuperWoodieCCI1, SuperWoodieCCI2, SuperWoodieCCI3, supper turbo 2 , supplydemand, Support and Resistance , Support and Resistance Barry , Support Resistance , SupportandResistance, SupportandResistanceFOREX, SupportResistance, Sure-Fire, surefirething, Surfing, Suv2, SweatSpot3, SweatSpot31, SweatSpot32, SweetSpotExtreme, SwingPoint, SwingTrading, T3, T3 - Trix , T3 , T3 , T3 CCI , T3 MACO , T3 RSI , T3 Taotra , T3 TRIX ROC of T6 , T3 TRIX ROC of T6 1 , T32, T322, T33Lines, t3adx di-diburst , t3AroonHorn, t3AroonHornOsc, T3Bands, T3DPO-v1, T3DPO-v12, T3iAnchMom, T3iAnchMomhist, T3iAnchMomhst, T3iAnchMom2, T3MACO, t3MovingVolumeAverage, T3RSI, T3Taotra, T3TCF, T3TRIX, T3MA, TAACH , Taf, Take Profit , Take The Money and Run , TakeProfit EA HiLoTradeAway , TargetProfit, TD Sequential , TDCarrie, TDDEMARKv2, TDDRP, TDPoints Linemgtd1 , TDREI, TDREIv2, TDSequential, TDI, TDI-2, TDpoints lines , TDTLModifiedBR, TDTLModifiedBR1, TEB System , Technicalanalysis optionsstrategiesbyK H Shaleen , TechnicalMarketIndicators, TecnixindoBotv2009 03, Teknik Analisa Forex , Teknikal Analisis 2 , teknikal analisis 3 , Telescop, Tengri 1 4 , Teori EW dan Fibo , Terminator v2 03 Complete , Terminatorv2 0, TEST, test last 100 , test5closeup, testvolume, test11v4, test11v7, Test2, Test21, Test22, Test2guns, TestWilliam36HistogramWalert, TFXv18, The 20 s , The 20 s ea , The 20 s Indicator i , The 20 s v0 30 ea , The 20 s1 , The 8and8 method e-book , The Outsider Method , The Reversal Bar , The Ultimate Currency Trading , theinteractionbetweenthefrequencyofmarketquotes spreadandvolatilityinForex, TheSharpeRatio, TheTruthAboutMoneyManagement, TheWizard, Three Day Rolling Pivot , Three Line Break , ThreeColor, TickonChart, Ticker MACD , TIMEFRAME, time1, TimeBreakExpertv2, Tlatomi method , TMA, Today Trend , Today Trend last , Today Trendruduga , Tom Demark System , TOProfitv 1 4 2, TOProfitv1 4 2Demo, ToR 4 , torghaos, Tpaylihg, Tpaylihgclose, Tracert, tradeerror, TradeAnyMarket, TradeChannel, trader ssecretcode , TraderFxv2, Tradernew, TraderNote, TradeStarTrend EA , TradeStarTrend EA v1 2 , Trading Hours , Trading Session vLines , TradingForexAmazingForexSystem, TradingDocMarketCyclesFibonacciGannElliott BennerCyclesFinancialAstrologyPhilipRio, TradingForexTheForexProfitSystem, TradingProfitBooster, TradingHours, Trailing Stop 5 , Trailing Stop vtdavid , Trailing Stop vtdavid1 , TrailingStop-Sedovv3, TrailMe, TrailMe1, TralingStopv3, Trend, Trend Bands , Trend Follower System , Trend SMC v2 , Trend Trigger Bars , Trend Trigger Modified , Trend Trigger Modified 6AUG05 , Trend 23SEP05 , TrendCF, TrendDetermination, TrendRiderv3, TRENDRIDER3, trendtraffic, Trend1, TrendAndDiver, TrendContinuation, TrendContinuation1, TrendContinuation2, TrendEnvelopesv2, TrendEnvelopesv22, TrendEnvelopesv23, TrendForecasting, trendline, Trendline Trader , Trendline Trader1 , Trendline Trader2 , TrendlineOrder, TrendManager, TrendManagerOpen2, TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window , TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window1 , TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window2 , TrendPower, TrendScalperGTRbeta, TrendScalperTR, TrendScalperTR 30AUG05 , TrendScalperTRbeta, TrendScalperTRbeta 26JUL05 , TrendScalperTRbeta 6AUG05 , TrendScalperTRbeta6, TrendScalperTRloosetest, TrendScalperTRloosetest 26JUL05 , TrendScalpIndcPP, TrendscalpIndic, Trendsignal, TrendstrenghtEMA, TrendStrengthTrio, trendstuffer, TrendStuffer4 01 - , TrendTriggerMod, Triad final work , TriangularArbitrage, TriangularPrice, TriangularMA, triangulatMA, Trigger Line , Triggerlines, Triggerlines1, Triggerlines2, TriggerLinesAlert, TripleMACrossoverEA, TripleMACrossoverEA1, TripleMACrossoverexpert, TripleMACrossoverexpert1, TripleMACrossoverexpert2, TrixEA, Tro S R MP , True Scalper V11 Sergey , True Scalper v4 , TRUESCALPERV11b, TRUESCALPERV11b 23SEP05 , TRUESCALPERV11c, TRUESCALPERV11e, TrueBald, TrueScalperRonMT4v02a, TrueScalperRonMT4v02a TS , TrueScalperRonMT4v02a1, TrueScalperRonMT4v04, TrueScalperRonMT4v04 08SEP05 , TrueScalperRonMT4v041, TrueScalperRonMT4v11, TrueScalperRonMT4v11 23SEP05 , TrueScalperRonMT4v111, TrueScalperRonMT4v111 23SEP05 , TrueScalperRonMT4v112, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v11, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v11step1, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v111, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v112, TrueScalperv49cRonMT4, TrueScalperv49cRonMT41, TrueScalperv49hRonMT4, TrueScalperv49hRonMT41, TrueScalperv49hRonMT42, TrueScalperv49LRonMT4, TrueScalperv49PRonMT4, TrueScalperv49PRonMT41, TrueScalperProfitLock, TrueScalperV11-1 1, TrueScalperV11-1 11, TrueScalperV11B, TrueScalpperV11, TrueScalpperV11-1 1, TrueScalpperV11-1 1 1 , TrueScalpperV11 23SEP05 , TrueScalpperV111, TrueScalpperV112, TrueScalpperV113, TrueScalpperV114, TrueScalpperV115, TrueScalpperV12, TrueScalpperV121, Try, TSATRNRTR, TSD-24-8-05, TSD-MT4- V1 , TSD-MT4- V1b , TSD-MT4- V1c , TSD-MT4 instructions , TSD-MT4 instructions 01SEP05 , TSD-MT4 instructions 12SEP05 , TSD-MT4instructions 1 , TSD-TR MultiPairs 18526 , TSD-TR0 2, TSD-TR0 2-currentweekly, TSD-TR0 2-Force, TSD-TR0 2-GBP, TSD-TR0 2-MACD, TSD-TR0 2-midweekplus, TSD-TR0 2-midweekswitch, TSD-TR0 2-midweekswitch1, TSD-TR0 2-OsMArolling, TSD-TR0 2-WPRstrict-midweekswitch, TSD-TR0 3-midweekswitch, TSD-v11-MT4-JB-MACD, TSD-v11-MT4-JB-MACD 27JUL05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA, TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA beta 0 3 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA beta 0 3 23SEP05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA Daily , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA Jan 4 hour , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 13AUG05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 2 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 23SEP05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 30JUL05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA1, TSD-v12-MT4-EF-MACD, TSD-v12-MT4-JB-MACD, TSD-v1x-MT4-HDB-v10, TSD-v1x-MT4-HDEB-v10, TSD - Looking after TSD , TSD D1 4Majors , TSD description , TSD H4 4Majors , TSD MT4 MR Trade 0 36 , TSD Notes , TSD Notes 05SEP05 , TSD Notes 28AUG05 , TSD Notes1 , TSD OsMA fxid10t mod , TSD v 32 IBFX mini , TSD v 34 1hr trade , TSD v 34 IBFX mini , TSD v1 vs v2 p 1 , TSD v1 vs v2 p 2 , TSD v1 vs v2 p 3 , TSD v1 vs v2 p1 1 , TSD v1 vs v2 p1 2 , TSD v1 vs v2 p1 3 , TSD v1 1 , TSD v1 1 MT3 , TSD v1 2 MT3 , TSD x , TSD4hr, tsddescription, TSDMT4MR, TSDMT4MRTrade010, TSDMT4MRTrade0101, TSDMT4MRTrade0102, TSDMT4MRTrade011, TSDMT4MRTrade012, TSDMT4MRTrade013, TSDMT4MRTrade014, TSDMT4MRTrade015, TSDMT4MRTrade020, TSDMT4MRTrade020 23JUL05 , TSDMT4MRTrade020c, TSDMT4MRTrade0201, TSDMT4MRTrade021, TSDMT4MRTrade021c01, TSDMT4MRTrade0211, TSDMT4MRTrade022, TSDMT4MRTrade023, TSDMT4MRTrade024, TSDMT4MRTrade025, TSDMT4MRTrade030, TSDMT4MRTrade031, TSDMT4MRTrade032, TSDMT4MRTrade033, TSDMT4MRTrade034, TSDMT4MRTrade034 08SEP05 , TSDMT4MRTrade034b, TSDMT4MRTrade036, TSDMT4MRTrade036 23jan06 Mindaugas , TSDMT4MRTrade0361, TSDPPMACDFORCEIndv1, TSDPPMACDFORCEIndv11, TSDTR0 1 2midweekplus , TSDTR0 1 2midweekplustrailtoprice , TSDTR0 1 2midweekswitch , TSDTR01 2midweekswitch , TSDV11MT3OSMAForceMMV11, TSDv11MT4JBOsMADaily, TSDxx, TSequential, TSI, TSI-Osc, TSI-Osc 4AUG05 , TSI Signals , TSR, TTF, TTF - trigger factor , TTF 3AUG05 , TTF 4AUG05 , TTF 6AUG05 , TTFhist, TTFlook-ahead, TTFTR, TTF - MW , TTM, ttm-trend, ttm-trend-2, tttttt, tunnel, Tunnel MethodIndicators , Tunnel Method1 , TunnelMethod, TurboRobot1 1, TurningPointBox, Turtle Trading System , Uchebnik Trader , UDP, ultimate-guide-phoenix-v2, Ultitimate Oscillator , UltitimateOscillator, Ultra Wizard 2008 , UmnickTrader1 01 01, UniversalMACrossEA, Up Down , UpDown, updownalert, UpDown1, up3x1, ur, UROVNI-MT4, UROVNI-MT4 27JUL05 , UsdCadTerminatorDemo, USDHunterEA, V-T B , V-T 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William36HistogramWallerTest, WilliamsPRalert, Wilson Channels , WINFOREXdemoreal, WinnerFXv2, Winning Solutions , WiroSablengEA, Wiseman 1 , wlxBWACsig, wlxBWAOsig, wlxBWWiseMan-1, wlxBWWiseMan-2, wlxFractals, wlxFractals2, Wolf, wolve Wafe , Woodchuck, Woodies CCI3 , Woodies Pivots Modified Into Fib Pivots , WoodiesCCI, WoodiesCCI1, WoodiesCCI2, WPRfast, WPRslow, WSOWROTrend, WSSopen, WSSv943FinalVersion, WSSv943FinalVersion2, x, Xprofile, X0diagram1, xmodule, xmodule2, XO, XOAlert, XOALERTccicross, xpMAv2FATL, xpoints, Xprofuter, xpVolume, XtremeEURGBP, YourLuckyEURGBPv2b, Z-Z1, Z-Z1 LA Best Alert Next Bar-m15 , ZeroLag MACD , ZeroLagEA-AIP v0 0 4 , ZeroLagStoch, Zerolagstochs, ZerolagstochsB, ZeroLagStochsSignals, ZigZagBreakout, ZigZagBreakout1, ZigAndZag, ZigZag, ZigZag Pointer , ZigZag Trendlines , ZigZag 11AUG05 , ZigZagFibov1beta, ZigZagFibov2beta, ZigZagSeparate, ZigZag1, ZigZagE, ZigZagFirst, ZinkKiller, Zmeitrader, ZoomerPro, ZUPv14, ZZ MTF XO A , ZZ 4 TF XO , ZZ MTF XO A , 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